Friday, October 14, 2011

Just Isn't Enough

Just Isn't Enough
When DOING everything, just isn’t enough,
And we find we’re worn down to a thread,
We need to look and take stock of our lives,
And change our behavior instead.
If we’re constantly taking on too many duties,
Others problems, other projects, get involved,
When we haven’t the TIME to take care of ourselves,
It’s in the world outside us we revolve.
We have to take inventory of just who we are?
Consider the things for which we volunteer?
For if we don’t take TIME to take care of OUR lives,
It’s our well-being that will soon disappear.
Written/copyrighted by Hope Ulch Brown, October 11, 2011

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Is It I or Me?

Are you learning English as a second language and find it difficult to know when to use “I” and when to use “me” when talking about yourself?

Well, you should know that you are not alone! Even native speakers have trouble knowing when they should say “I” and when “me” is the right choice, but there is a simple way to tell the difference.

If you have not touched this subject in your ESL class you may want to propose it, because speaking and writing correctly is of utmost importance in today’s business world.

Here’s what you have to know about the use of “I” and “me”:

We normally select the right form by intuition; because we have heard it before, we automatically know some instances where you should use “I” and others where “me” is the correct choice.

For example, you would never dream of using “me” in these cases:

-      I am an executive.
-      I love chocolate.
-      I will be late if I don’t leave now.

Equally, you would never employ “I” here:

-      Give me that.
-      Show that to me.
-      Teach me how you do it.

The doubt concerning their use arises when these words are joined by another pronoun or a noun. In these instances, you have to think about the subject and object in the sentence to accurately write “I” or “me”.

When this happens,

“I” is used as the subject of the sentence, and “me” is the object.

For example, what’s the correct form in the following sentence?

It was I who showed him the house.


It was me who showed him the house.

To be sure, just simplify the sentence:

I showed him the house.

So according to this, the correct form of the above is:

It was I who showed him the house.

Now, let’s analyze this other sentence. Which one is correct?

        The policeman handed the paper to my brother and I.


        The policeman handed the paper to my brother and me.

Again, to be certain about the correct form, simplify the sentence and take care of each person individually:

        The policeman gave the paper to my brother.


        The policeman gave the paper to me.

Then, the correct form in this case is:

        The policeman gave the paper to my brother and me.

If you liked this article, tell all your friends about it. They’ll thank you for it. If you have a blog or website, you can link to it or even post it to your own site (don’t forget to mention our ESL blog as the original source).

Mark Doyle writes articles for <a href="">esl classes</a>

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Five Points That Can Make or Break a Job Search

If you are unemployed or fear you might become unemployed, you can find yourself angry, depressed and demoralized. Unemployment figures in the United States rose to 9.2 percent in June, but those figures include teachers who are on unpaid leave during the summer, so the truer picture might be a hundredth or two lower. The picture is still bleak, and projections are almost unanimous for that trend to continue for at least the rest of 2011. So how can you increase your chances of finding gainful employment?

Assessment and Evaluation
People often mistake these two words to be synonymous and apply to only aptitude tests. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

Assessment does mean evaluation, and it can apply to evaluation, but its deeper meaning and application goes beyond skill sets. Are you happy working in your field? If you aren't, unless you are a very, very good actor, that shows when you're interviewing for or performing in a job.

Remember a line from a well-known play: “To thine own self be true.”

Evaluation enters the fray after your full and honest assessment. Are you looking for the right type of job in the right industry in the right places?

Constant Diligence
Always be looking for new job leads. Don't rely on waiting until near the end of your unemployment pay period: On average, it takes 4.5 to 8 months for people to find a job, even if the jobs they find are outside their fields of expertise.

Widen the Scope
You're probably familiar with the saying, “Don't put all your eggs in one basket.” In searching for a job, that adage is “gospel.”

Many people believe that online job sites are the “be all and end all” of job search methods. Unfortunately, they find themselves sitting at home, watching TV and growing more frustrated than ever: Only about four percent of all jobs posted on job sites are filled through the Internet.

Your best bet is and always has been tapping your social or professional network—and that's not Facebook. Talk to your friends, family and associates regarding unpublicized job openings. Ask if they know of anyone who is hiring or if they can refer you to someone or some business that might know of an opening. Network marketing is a technique that works: Sell your skills to your immediate circle and expand outward—that “friend of a friend” scenario.

Next on the probabilities list is your local print media. Don't overlook or neglect looking in the want ads. Occasionally, you'll find the best of both worlds and read an ad for a position where an acquaintance works. If you can include that person's name—with prior knowledge and permission—in your cover letter as well as the placed ad, then you're probably a half a step ahead of other applicants.

The Application
Before you send off another whirlwind of cover letters and applications, fine tune both. Is your cover letter merely repeating what's on your resume or does it present one primary and relevant highlight, and especially does it request further contact?

Your work experience and education or training does not have to be in chronological order. Put the relevant items first and itemize them. You can always fill in the employment blanks beneath with only a brief description of other, non-related positions.

The Interview
Brush up on your interview skills. Pay close attention to your appearance, body language and voice. Be confident and assured. Desperation leaks out very easily, and you decrease your odds of getting an offer or a competitive wage.
Article by Sara Woods of Coupon Croc, use a Debenhams discount voucher and save on the gadgets you need to maxmize your job search options.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Student Finances: What You Need To Know

Finances are perhaps the most difficult thing a student must learn to deal with. Sure, college and day-to-day life are difficult, but a student can't hope to get anywhere if they can't control their own finances. Managing cash flow, bills, and more isn't as simple or easy as it sounds. With that in mind, students must realize that there is tons of learning for them to do when it comes to money.

Cash Flow

The first thing a student must figure out when it comes to money is how much of it they have. To start out, a student will want to figure out their weekly and monthly cash flow. That involves both earnings and costs. A student should figure out where all of their money comes from and add it up; the same thing goes for all expenses. Unfortunately, those numbers can and probably will shift each month. Student life isn't very structured because school, work, and a social life can make things go haywire. A student should - at the very least - average out the earnings and expenses over a three month period to get a good judge of earnings and expenses. From there, things can get underway.

The Most Important Thing

Without a doubt, saving money is the most important part of a student's financial life. That doesn't mean saving money on purchases or anything like that either. Students must focus on putting away money for the future because that's the best way to safeguard from any of life's emergencies. So then, students should focus on saving money by reducing expenditures and using high-yield savings accounts. Anyone, including students, can put away extra money, even while paying bills and tuition.

Reducing Bills

Students should always focus on lowering their bills because bills are always what mess up a student's financial life. Of course, this involves being a little less frivolous and finding new ways to spend less. There are various federal programs out there that can help students save money on everything from electric bills to credit card payments. Therefore, no student should hesitate to sign up for a program that can save themselves some money. It works out for the best in the long run.

What To and Not To Do

Students should take proactive steps to reign in their finances by increasing earnings and decreasing expenses. On the other hand, they should not make the mistake of getting multiple credit cards or spending like a king or queen. Using money management tools is always a good idea; disregarding expenses is not. Students have to be smart about their finances or they could face financial ruin very quickly.

Britney Baker normally writes feature articles for

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Where Are the Cheapest Homes in America?

The Cheapest Homes in America
Is the best option for housing to own a home or rent one? That depends on where you live. In almost any large city, because of the downturn in the housing market and the unemployment situations, cheaper housing is now available. If you prefer smaller towns, there are cities and towns within almost any state with homes for sale around $50,000 or less. Sometimes you have to give up conveniences to live in these towns, but it may be worth it. Many factors go into choosing a home, and price, along with size and location, is one of the biggest factors.
Detroit, Michigan
Detroit is one place where owning a home versus renting is actually easier on the wallet for a family. Hard hit with high unemployment rates, the city has many foreclosures.
Hot Springs, Arkansas
This town depends on tourism and recreation for a good portion of its income. It’s expected that home prices in the area would be higher; however, that is not the case at all. Some houses are less than $30,000 for a two bedroom. The area is beautiful, surrounded by the Ouachita Mountains.
Altoona, Pennsylvania
There are many houses for under $30,000 in the town of Altoona. This town boasts around 35,000 inhabitants. It offers the things most have come to enjoy, such as restaurants, parks, and golf.
Pueblo, Colorado
Pueblo boasts of a little over 100,000 in population and offers attractive housing. Some homes are offered for under $50,000 and even as low as $30,000, although those might be considered fixer-uppers.
Tampa, Florida
The listings of houses for $30,000 or less is a long one for this city of a little over 340,000. On the Gulf of Mexico and being close to the ocean is a plus for living in this community.
If the Southwest is more to your liking, you might consider Tucson, Arizona. Smaller houses are listed for under $20,000 and these are not foreclosures. Tucson's population is around 548,000. The weather, mountain views and beautiful sunsets attract people from all over the United States.
If you are retiring and need a cheaper place to live, you may want to look at some of the cities listed. Alternatively, you can do an internet search for the city you prefer and find out for yourself if there are any cheaper homes available for where you wish to live.
This guest post was written by Jim Savage, who also contributes content to this site about the cheapest homes in America. His latest article on that site is about the least expensive houses in Michigan.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Industry, Agriculture and Trade in Days Gone By

Ever since humans moved beyond their hand to mouth existence as hunter gatherers, they have needed to find ways to store food and other items safely. Today, we have warehouses and storerooms all over the country for our many consumer goods. But how did they do things in the past?

Egyptian grain silosThe ancient Egyptians relied heavily on bread as a staple part of their diet. They generally stored their grain underground, often in huge communal grain pits or silos that would be able to feed whole communities. Many of these pits would have been simple affairs – little more than holes dug into the ground. In Egypt’s dry climate grain would have kept underground for a long time without spoiling. Some of the most impressive underground grain pits in Egypt were at the Pyramid at Sakkara. These enormous pits were initially thought by archaeologists to be tombs, but they are far too large. They are also all connected by a walkway, which tombs would not have been, so it is thought that they were used for storing grain for the city.
Roman grain storesLike the Egyptians, the Romans relied heavily on bread as a major part of their diet. Like the Egyptians, they needed to find a way of keeping their grain well stored for months on end, without it going bad. They were also in a much wetter climate than the Egyptians, so keeping grain dry was important. They built granaries in every city and fort, and went to great lengths to ensure they were safe from potential invading enemies. As with everything they built, the Romans used their knowledge of engineering to build their granaries. To keep the grain dry, they built them with raised floors on pillars, which allowed air to circulate underneath. An example, from the Roman fort of Housesteads on Hadrian’s Wall, can be seen here:
British port warehouses Although not ancient, the warehouses that sprang up in British port cities during the industrial revolution were the first large scale developments of warehouses. Although ports and canal-sides would always have had some means of storing goods in and around them, the warehouses that grew up in nineteenth century Britain were on a different scale to anything seen before. Many are still standing, often converted into flats and offices, in what are now desirable locations. Then, they were a central part of a period of history that hugely changed the way the world lived, and a symbol of the new age of urbanisation and industrial development. Reaching many storeys high, warehouse in port cities such as London and Liverpool would store goods and raw materials from all over the world brought in by ship. They would also hold goods manufactured from those raw materials ready for export back to other parts of the world – an essential part of the growing system of global trade.
Rachel is a history blogger who has covered everything from tea parties in Regency England to the changing nature of warehouse space.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Origins of Financial Systems

Our current financial system is the product of years of trial and error from countries across the globe, with different ideas and experiments being tried and discarded in an effort to produce a network of wealth that would make trading easy. Below are the origins of the most common elements of finance.


Before currency standardization purchases were made by bartering. This was very complex as each item in a market would have a different value in relation to other items. It wasn’t long before trade focused on small, valuable objects like shells, beads, and metals, simplifying transactions. The first coins were used as religious objects, eventually making the crossover to currency somewhere between 700-400 B.C.E. in India, China, and the Mediterranean. Originally struck for private owners, it would take some time before these coins came in standard sizes, establishing a currency with a set value.
Paper currency can be traced back to bank I.O.U.s created to allow customers to move large sums of money without having to carry bags of coins. The first nationally recognized paper currency was the "flying money" created around 800 C.E. by China's Tang Dynasty. These government issued papers were used as payment for supplies and could immediately be converted to coin at government agencies. Knowing their value, traders used these slips as money instead of cashing them in. The Song Dynasty (960-1279 C.E.) made these notes readily available to the general populous while at the same time banning the issue of private I.O.U.s. This was the first true paper currency.


Banking started in temples before standard currency was established. These religious buildings would have safes and storehouses in which people could keep their goods or loan out temple property with an agreement that it would be paid back with interest. Buddha even addressed these issues, teaching monks how to run and maintain temples using these investments. The Roman Catholic Church was the dominant banking institution throughout the Middle Ages despite rules against usury.
Secular banking institutions sprung up in Italy during the Renaissance, run by wealthy trading families. The first modern bank was London's Royal Exchange, founded in 1565. It took the ideas of the Italian banks, combining several institutions to create a single financial alliance.

The Corporation

The idea of the corporation can be traced back to ancient Rome and India. These early corporations were formed to give organizations identities outside of the people who ran them, allowing them to continue after the founders had died. The most common entities to be incorporated were churches as they could exist for hundreds of years. The oldest existing corporation is Stora Kopparberget, literally "Great Copper Mountain," formed in 1347 to mine copper in Sweden.
The first multinational corporation was the Dutch East India Company. The company was given a twenty-one year monopoly on all Dutch trade with Asia and had no set end to the charter; previous companies would only be formed for the duration of a single sea voyage. The company continued to do business for almost two centuries after its formation. It was also the first company to offer shares of stock.
Britney Baker looks at the best places to get auto insurance over at

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Benefits of Forex Software

The Benefits of Forex Software

The advancements in forex software systems have made it increasingly easier for traders to make a profit on the forex markets. The software compares the various currencies in their respective markets, and allows traders to trade 24 hours a day. By making use of the software, forex trading becomes a significantly more viable stream for generating revenue.

There are two types of forex software downloads available for forex traders, both of which enable the trader to execute bids at any time. These are:
  • Server Side Software – also known as online trading software, this software allows users to log in to their forex market accounts online using their unique name and password. Once traders have gained access to their account through the site, they can trade, view their account and bids performance and complete any other transactions or reviews. They may also be better able to contact their metatrader 4 broker should they prefer to trade through one.
  • Client Side Software – this software is installed on the trader’s personal computer so that the markets can be accessed directly rather than through another site. 
Using forex software offers traders a number of benefits including frequent automatic updating of the forex rates, so that traders always have the latest rates. Provided that the data returned by the software is interpreted correctly, the trader can use this information to his advantage to gain profits; it also determines the relationship between currencies. The charting function on the forex software provides additional data about the market, while other functions return information about the historical behaviour of the currencies.

Traders need to keep in mind the importance of security; fortunately your forex software should have this under control and provide security systems for users. The security features will prevent hackers from accessing your account and altering your bid or transaction. It will also keep your personal details safe.

When it comes to choosing your forex software, the latest versions are usually best. If you cannot get the latest version then make sure that the software you choose offers you the ability to upgrade when new upgrades become available. It is also essential that the software you choose meets all your needs. Many sites offer forex software downloads that allow you to test before you buy, so you can ensure that the software is right for you.

When it comes to the forex markets there is plenty of profit to be made, so long as you trade confidently and with care. Forex software can help you make informed bids thereby increasing your likelihood of excellent profits.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Banking Crisis

Investors are selling first and waiting for the facts later. Few can blame them given their experience in 2008-2009. Investors in the stock market sustained huge losses by naively believing that the financial sector and the government were in control of that crisis. This time around, no one believes anything they say.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Ways Americans Are Cutting Back To Save Money

Three years after America was struck by the economic recession, consumers are still pinching pennies. According to a new poll conducted by Harris Interactive, majority of the American consumers are looking for ways to cut expenses and save money.
The poll surveyed 2,163 consumers online between June 13 and 20, 2011. Among others, the survey revealed that the adult American population believes the economy will get worse amidst reassuring reports. This echoes the findings published by the Conference Board’s Consumer Confidence Index that showed a sudden decline in consumer spending from 61.7 down to 58.5. Obviously, Americans are still suffering from the effects of the recent economic recession and consumers are still cautious about spending money.
Notable is the sudden shift in the attitude of the American market over generic brands. According to Harris Interactive poll, consumers who favor generic brands has considerably increased from 61 percent in February to 67 percent last June. Consumers believe that opting for generic brands saves them dollars.
Interestingly, America is not as vain as what most people used to think. According to the survey, 43 percent of respondents have cut their budget for their hairdresser or barber, which enjoys a 5 percent increase from February’s poll result.
While consumers claiming business conditions are “good” remained static at 14.3 percent, those claiming business conditions are “bad” increased to 38.0 percent from 37.2 percent. Additionally people became more pessimistic about job market with 43.8 percent people stating jobs are “hard to get”, up from 43.5 percent last month. At the same time those stating jobs are “plentiful” decreased to 5.2 percent from 5.7 percent.
On the bright side, consumers are starting to develop better eating behaviors such cutting on coffee consumption, started bringing lunch for work and started using refillable water containers. Although these saving measures appear affirmative, it takes toll on the economy especially on businesses with directly linked with these industries.
Furthermore, buyers are also cutting their budget on expenses, which are considered indispensable such as newspaper, magazine and cable subscriptions, as well as dry cleaning. These recurrent expenses can significantly eat huge portions of consumer budget hence scraping off portions in this expenses saves lots of dollars.
While cutting back on household expenditure may be good, it does no good on the overall growth of economy. Experts foresee a continuous slowdown in the economic progress unless consumers are confident enough to start spend money again and businesses start hiring again.
Are you looking for the latest news and updates on consumer finance? Credit Season is an informative website helping consumers find bad credit personal loans online through its nationwide network of lenders.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Market Technical Analysis

 Although the major indexes were mixed in trading today, most stocks closed higher on the NYSE. Among individual stocks, the two top percentage gainers in the S.&P. 500 were Sprint Nextel Corporation and Genworth Financial Inc.

Market Update

U.S. stocks swung between gains and losses, wiping out an earlier rally, as Dell Inc. (DELL) forecast weaker sales and two Federal Reserve officials expressed concern about the amount of stimulus being applied to the economy.
Dell, the second-largest personal-computer maker, fell 10 percent as slower spending on PCs and consumer technology crimped its sales forecast. Abercrombie & Fitch Co. (ANF), the teen- clothing retailer, slid 7.8 percent after company executives said expenses will continue to rise this year. Target Corp. (TGT) rose 2 percent as cost cuts helped boost profit. Eastman Kodak Co. (EK) surged 21 percent as analysts and investors told Bloomberg News its patents may make it a takeover target.
The S&P 500 rose less than 0.1 percent to 1,193 at 3:16 p.m. in New York, after gaining as much as 1.3 percent and falling as much as 0.7 percent. The benchmark gauge dropped 1 percent yesterday, snapping a three-day rally. The Dow Jones Industrial Average lost 9.16 points, or 0.1 percent, to 11,396.77 today.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Warren Buffett Speaks On!

Investment guru Warren Buffett gave a wide-ranging interview to Charlie Rose, which aired on Monday evening. He discussed the economy's prospects, the state of Washington and who will succeed him as the chairman of Berkshire Hathaway.
The interview came shortly after Buffett published an Op-Ed piece in the New York Times, called "Stop Coddling The Super Rich," in which he urged the government to make billionaires (including him) pay more taxes.
In the interview, Buffett stressed that it was vital for politicians, and the newly appointed congressional super-committee in particular, to work together to help resolve the country's economic difficulties.

Market Technical Analysis

Monday, August 15, 2011

Do you want to start trading online?

Although share trading has proved extremely profitable for traders, several novices have been financially ruined due to lack of knowledge on markets. Every individual that deals with stocks needs to have a fair knowledge of financial markets. Detailed research and study on graphs, past history of companies, government policies and current events helps traders make the right decisions. Analysis of past market trends helps traders devise strategies for the future. Trading in shares online has become popular all over the world because of its ease and convenience. By opting for online trading, an individual makes sure that he/she doesn’t have to be available at a physical location to trade. Online share trading allows individuals to buy and sell shares from wherever they are located.
People with busy schedules find online trading extremely convenient as it allows them to make buy or sell stock on the move. A secure internet connection is all one needs to start trading online. Websites that deal with share trading provide excellent information related to market scenarios. An individual can start trading real time after learning to use different features of software on websites. Research reveals that young individuals love trading in shares online, rather than trading at a physical location.
Most websites provide demo or trial packages for users to get thoroughly familiar with the software. Individuals can also download tools from websites. Tools, indicators and calculators that are downloadable from websites give individuals a clear perspective on markets movement in the future. This helps individuals take the right decision in terms of investment or selling of shares.
Individuals can also register with online companies that have brokers. Brokers take care of client portfolios and keep clients updated about movement in the market. Brokers also provide valuable advice on investment and selling of stock. Websites that provide online trading make sure that clients are sent details of account balance when shares are bought and sold. Individuals can check their account status and balance detail any time they feel like. Trading in shares online has benefited several women that are homemakers. Several housewives are making a sizable amount of income with daily online trading. It is recommended that individuals research thoroughly about different online companies before registering with a company for online trading. The best way to get information about online trading companies is through forums and communities.
Novices and advanced traders acknowledge the benefits of trading in shares online. Individuals can get valuable information from graphs that help determine future market trends. Listings of companies and their share price along with comparisons are displayed on a website. This gives individuals a clear picture on buying and selling of shares of a company.
Tips and ideas that websites offer have proven extremely helpful for beginners and experienced traders. There are several websites that also display videos of experts imparting their knowledge on different market scenarios. Individuals can access videos of talks on different market scenarios from video libraries on websites anytime. The layout of websites dealing with share trading is designed specifically to save time for users. Proper knowledge on utilization of software packages on websites ensures efficiency in online share trading.

Whether a beginner or an expert, if you want to know more about <a href="">trading in shares online</a>, then you should check out the <a href="">virtual trading</a> option first.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

What's Behind the Downgrade?

The Securities and Exchange Commission has asked credit rating agency Standard & Poor’s to disclose who within its ranks knew of its decision to downgrade US debt before it was announced last week, as part of a preliminary look into potential insider trading, people familiar with the matter say.
The inquiry was made by the SEC’s examination staff, which has oversight of credit rating firms, one person familiar with the matter said. The exam staff can make referrals to the SEC’s enforcement division if it believes any laws have been violated, but the inquiry might not result in a referral.
This person said they were looking at who had the information as a starting point. The person added that the agency is not aware of a leak from an S&P insider, nor was it aware of an aberrational trade.
Proving someone leaked information about the downgrade, or traded ahead of it, could be challenging. Many traders anticipated the downgrade and bets could occur across numerous securities or currencies without inside information. In a traditional insider trading case, there is often a more predictable correlation between a company’s stock price and a particular development.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Control You Life and Maximize Your Results

Being able to control your life is a really big deal.  People who aren't in control of their own lives are often disorganized - and even scatterbrained - failures.  Life is all about keeping your act together and following your dreams.  Although many people constantly search for happiness, most of them aren't doing what's necessary to make that goal a reality.  Jeff Olson, in his book called "The Slight Edge," gives you an easy way to take control of your life and steer it in the direction you want.

The book describes using a simple technique that Olson calls "The Slight Edge" to make your life better.  Olson doesn't just give you an easy-to-use technique, however.  Instead, he helps you break down and change the way you're currently thinking.  It almost seems as though The Slight Edge is forcing you to examine every aspect of your life with a magnifying glass, and then question what you really see.  In the end, it will help you identify what you've been doing wrong and then give you a basic solution that can help solve the problem.
When it comes to making changes in their lives, people often become confused.  After all, problems can have so many potential solutions, finding the right one can be overwhelming.  It's a question of having far too many choices.  The Slight Edge book, by Jeff Olson, is original and far different from other self-development or self-help books.  You'll see your problems set out before you, and this will help you look much closer at what is really happening in your life.

The Slight Edge book by Jeff Olson can help you correct "blips" in the way you think.  Instead of encouraging you to give what you think you can (or are used to giving), the book helps you give even more.  And when you give, you'll receive.  If applied correctly, the principles Olson discusses in The Slight Edge can help you do a number of things, including find the right partner, lose weight, boost your income, and even improve your state of health.

Many people's health is affected by common, everyday circumstances that so frequently crop up throughout life.  The problem isn't so much that divorces are becoming more common or that someone's bills aren't getting paid - the real problem is the approach people use to solve these issues.  In The Slight Edge, Olson explains how you can use a single, simple technique to change the outcome of your life.  Sometimes deciding something as simple as "diet, not regular," or when to take a walk can change your entire life.

The Slight Edge will help you realize that you need to start small when you want to change.  Most people have been led to believe that success just comes out of the blue, dropping down from the sky.  Some of these people think that if they fail to achieve their goals by the deadlines they've set, they'll never succeed.  Others believe they just weren't meant to succeed or live a fulfilling, happy life.

According to The Slight Edge book by Jeff Olson, the truth is that you'll need to take action to make things happen whenever you want something in life.  Success doesn't just fall into your lap, and it doesn't come overnight.  Real success takes time to achieve.  If you follow The Slight Edge technique properly, it can help you achieve the type of life you've always wanted.
Visit The Personal Development Company to learn more about The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Market Update

Stocks slid, dragging the Dow Jones Industrial Average to the lowest level since September 2010, and Treasuries rose for a third day amid concern the European sovereign debt crisis is worsening.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Market Technical Analysis

U.S. stocks jumped the most in more than two years, rebounding from the worst drop since 2008, and 10-year Treasury yields touched a record low. The Fed vowed to keep interest rate near zera through mid-2013. 

Why Checking Accounts are no Longer Free

Many banks have cut free checking accounts for their customers. Banks that are still offering free checking are requiring customers to meet extremely specific demands or a customer will be penalized with a fee. Several reasons that banks are requiring customers to pay for checking accounts include decrease fee revenue, a cap on debit card interchange fees as well as increase regulation.

Debit Card Interchange Fees

Debit card interchange fees are charged each and every time a consumer uses his or her debit card at a merchant. For example, if a customer purchases $25 worth of gas at a gas station and selects debit, the merchant is charged a debit card interchange fee. A portion of this revenue is returned to the bank that owns the customers account. Some of the proceeds goes to the processing network. While the debit card interchange fees are much lower than those of the credit card networks, the federal government has proposed limiting them to $0.12 per transaction. Debit cards used to account for a large amount of revenue on checking accounts

Reduce fee revenue

Other fees that banks charge consumers such as overdraft fees have either been eliminated or drastically reduced due to federal oversight in the past several years. Many banks that used to receive a large amount of their revenue from fees have had to turn to other sources of revenue. Checking accounts used to be extremely profitable for banks due to the many customers who would overdraft using a debit card. The federal government required all accounts holders to opt in to being able to overdraft on debit card purchases. Once this was required, many banks lost a large portion of their revenue.

Additional costs weighed down checking accounts

The industry standard has now become to charge for every service. Some banks offer customers accounts that only include access to ATM machines and charge a fee every time they speak with a teller. Many banks also are having to deal with a reduced amount of capital to loan. Loans are able to generate a large amount of revenue thanks to high interest rates. However, due to the economy, many banks are simply not loaning funds to consumers with poor or even fair credit. They rather hold on to the money and loan it to only the best customers.


Checking accounts are no longer free due to increased federal regulation and the decreased ability of banks to collect revenue. Banks are unable to justify free checking accounts when they are losing interchange fees as well as overdraft fees.
Miles Walker usually writes about car insurance quotes over at His latest article looked at Alaska car insurance.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Risk Control

Always cut your losses short. One of the main rules for risk control is to cut your losses short. It is perhaps the single most important trading rule. There is certainly no shortage of traders who have ignored this rule and their account virtually obliterated by one or two trades and most will repeat the mistake many times before reversing course.

Look at the big picture and the whole market. A mistake made by many traders is that they become so involved in trying to catch the minor market swings and they miss the big picture of the major price move.

Never double up near the original trade entry point after having been ahead. It is better to cut your losses and get out.

The Perfect Storm Part 3 of 6

Down We Go.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

And Now What?

As the U.S. loses its top-notch credit rating, consumers face rising interest rates and borrowing costs that may cost taxpayers billions of dollars. Analysts warn the Standard & Poor’s downgrade would increase the costs on everything from student loans to car payments. The downgrade could also spread to a state and local level, pushing up the costs of borrowing funds for schools, roads and parks.

S&P cut the long-term U.S. credit rating from AAA to AA+ Friday night on concerns about the government’s budget deficits and rising debt burden. President Barack Obama signed legislation on Tuesday designed to reduce the fiscal deficit by $2.1trillion over 10 years. But that was well short of the $4 trillion in savings S&P had called for as a good ‘down payment’ on fixing America’s finances.

The political gridlock and the failure to seriously address U.S. long-term fiscal problems came against the backdrop of slowing economic growth. It also led to the worst week in the U.S. stock market for two years. The S&P 500 stock index fell 10.8 per cent in the past 10 trading days on concerns that the U.S. economy may head into another recession. There are also fears the European debt crisis has been growing worse as it spreads to Italy.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Jaguar SS100 Classic 2 Seater British Sports Car

            Originally the Jaguar SS100 fine motorcar was known a variant of names over its life span. So as not to create confusion these include the SS100, SS90, SS100 2 2/2 liter as well as 3 ½ liter models early Jaguars built in the 1930’s era pre World War 2.
                The history of this landmark highly regarded vintage automobile is as follows.  William Lyons entered the motor industry in the 1920’s as both a designer and builder of special coachwork for the ordinary standard cars like the “Austin Seven” and the “Standard Nine” as well as for sidecars.  His “Swallow” designs, like his sidecars were soon launched in 1931 and built in Coventry.
                  The first SS sports car, the “SS90”, was a short-wheelbase-mechanical version of the 20 horse powered SS1 with a side-valve 2 ½ liter engine. The SS100, which was born in 1935 using the same SS1 type of chassis, but with suspensions and other details from the also-new SS-Jaguar saloon autos.  The engine was a Heynes-designed overhead-valve conversion of the original side valve 2,633 Standard six-cylinder engine unit.
                   The first SS100 was sensational enough, but the 3 and one half liter version, which was announced in 1937, was even much more so.  The 3,485 cc engine, although essentially keeping some Standard parentage was largely knew and exceedingly powerful and very very swift.  The car priced at a mere 445 British pounds Sterling in Britain, could achieve speeds in excess of 100 miles per hour and had the looks most often if not always associated with Italian-designed thoroughbreds.   The SS100 in 2 and one half liter format did much in the SS Company’s prestige that is up to the outbreak of hostilities with Germany in World War 2.
           The car made few concessions to comfort all in all it can be summarized.  Performance, more performance and greater acceleration were the salient selling points.  One has to remember and put into context that overall 100 miles per hour (equivalent to 160.93 kilometers per hour speeds) was more than rare in automotive products and even sports cars at that time period.
           On top of that the new engine was found to be very tuneable and tweak able indeed. To its great credit and fortitude a Jaguar development car eventually “lapped” the Brooklands oval at an amazing 125 miles per hour at 125 mph in speed tests.
             Yet only 23 of the SS90 side-valve cars were made, all in all.    However the previous 90 designation served as the stepping stone to promote the merits of Jaguar SS100s’s.   Fully 190 of the 2 ½ Liter and 118 of the 3 ½-liters Jaguar models were sold.
               Yet the line ended with the start of WW2.  Although there was still a lot of keen interest in the model only one vehicle was put up in the post-war years and that was essentially out of left over parts.  What a shame for the end of the lineage.

Maxwell B. Labby
Traffic Ticket Winnipeg
Chilliwack BC Auto Dealers

Friday, August 5, 2011

Highway To Hell

Market Meltdown Deja Vu 

Faber: Brace for a Global 'Reboot' and a War

Markets could rebound after Thursday's global market sell-off, but investors should see any bounce as a selling opportunity, as the world economy rolls towards total collapse. Faber thinks that by the end of the fall, the S&P 500 will have slid to around 1150, and investors will be hoping that further round of monetary easing will stabilize markets. "The next time we have a global economic crisis, it will be much worse than 2008". Before this happens there will be money printing and there will be war. The whole system will collapse," he said. "That's why I'm advising people that they have to think it through. In a total collapse you don't want to own government bonds and cash."

Market Panic Spreads Across Globe

Stocks around the world tumbled Friday ahead of crucial U.S. jobs figures, continuing a losing streak reminiscent of the aftermath of the collapse of U.S. investment bank Lehman Brothers in 2008.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

The Perfect Storm Part 2 of 6

Investors need to prepare for “Slow Global Growth in Future Years.” Not just for a temporary, double-dip recession in 2012, but a deeper depression-era slow growth likely till the election of 2020.

A Fresh Start to Finances

When it comes to finances we all make mistakes at one point or another. A financial break down, however, doesn’t have to be the end of the world. It should be a stepping stone to a better financial you. The truth is that being good with money takes practice and if you have slipped up in the past there’s no reason why you can’t get things back on track.

Even though staying on top of your finances can require a lot of hard work, financial freedom is a very rewarding feeling. As you look to work on your own personal budget here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Write it Down- When you’re first starting to figure out your own budget you need to see where all of your money is going every month. This can help you cut out unnecessary expenses and make room for more savings. Be thorough when you’re making the list, and keep track of every penny you spend. Even cutting out a morning coffee can put a lot of extra cash in your pocket every month.
  • One is Enough- If you collect credit cards like they’re sports trading cards then it’s time to cut back. Extra credit cards mean more temptation to spend what you don’t have. If you think it’s important to have a credit card for an emergency then try keeping cash saved up for an emergency. Having a $1,000 in savings in case of an emergency and a credit card with a $1,000 limit is the same thing. If you spend money from savings just fill it back up again.
  • Stay Accountable- Working with someone else can help you stay on track to reach your goals. By letting someone know what you’re plan is and having them check up on you, you’ll stay motivated to reach your goals. The support of a friend can come in handy when you’re feeling tempted to splurge.
  • Get Back on The Horse- Some people have faced fairly significant financial trials in their lives. A lot of people find themselves feeling trapped and weighed down by their debt. If you’re feeling like there is no way to overcome your debt then you may want to speak with a bankruptcy attorney. Sometimes the only way to get things back in order is with the help of bankruptcy. Although bankruptcy carries a negative connotation, it can be a means to a fresh start for people facing extreme debt. Even people who are good with finances can find themselves struggling to keep their heads above water due to things like unexpected medical bills. If you need to file for bankruptcy, realize that it is not the end of the world. It is a fresh start and with some hard work you’ll be better off.

Whatever your personal situation is, with some time and dedication you can create a sense of financial security for yourself. All the hard work will pay off in the end.
Skyhook Internet Marketing specializes in Web Design Phoenix. Skyhook does marketing for experienced Arizona bankruptcy attorney Spencer Hale.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Perfect Storm Part 1 of 6

Investors need to prepare for “Slow Global Growth in Future Years.” Not just for a temporary, double-dip recession in 2012, but a deeper depression-era slow growth likely till the election of 2020.

Forex Trading Strategies That Work

When it comes to the forex markets traders get quite a thrill from executing bids and seeing a positive outcome. By using some well thought out forex trading strategies traders can make their bids with greater confidence. While you may have to test a few strategies to see which work best for you, these are the top trading strategies that professional traders tend to use, with the best results.

If you are looking for forex trading strategies for beginners then this one is for you. Called scalping, this strategy has very little risk attached to it which is why it’s a good strategy for beginners to start with. But because there is less risk associated with it, the returns are also lower. While many traders consider this a negative aspect and choose to avoid this strategy, using when doing forex trading brings in steady, repeated profits. To use this strategy you will first need to find a currency pair and then start a position on it. You will then need to buy or sell a stop order on that trade. If there is a large price movement you will either make a profit or a loss, depending on the price change of the chosen currency pair.

The second strategy is the three day rolling pivot which is used as a reference point to show when you should enter and exit trades. How this strategy works when trading forex is that it shows you how to exit trades that you are losing, as well as when to exit a winning trade in order to avoid it becoming a losing trade. This is generally a pretty easy trading strategy to follow, which is part of its appeal.

If you are looking to make profits then you need to chase the exchange trend. This may lead you to question how you are to know which way the market is going. Professional traders revealed one of their forex trading strategies that use a pivot point to help them identify trends in the market. They can then make long- or short term bids accordingly.

If you are going to start trading you will first need to open a forex trading account. Once you have done this use the above forex trading strategies to help you with successful trading.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Start Your Consulting Career With A Bang

Although we may often think of consultants as business professionals, they can also work in technical, educational or other fields. In essence, a consultant is a professional hired by a company to teach or help its employees by using their experience in the field. Consultants are hired to affect changes or lend their expertise to various companies and organisations.  Consulting jobs can offer good pay, freedom to work as you like, a chance to help others with your knowledge, and a challenge to those who excel in their field.  The first challenge when you start your consulting career is finding jobs.


Join a Consulting Firm

Companies that hire consultants will often both hire individual consultants as well as teams of consultants from consulting firms.  As such, it’s possible to work as an employee for a consulting firm and still work as a consultant for another company. Working for a firm allows you to build up your resume with consulting experience, after which you can go solo.  It also allows you to network, which is essential in the world of consulting.  The more contacts you have, the more job opportunities you will get.


Career Fairs

If you’re a recent graduate and are new at consulting, then you may want to check out career fairs.  Recruiters are always looking for recent graduates at career fairs, especially in technological fields.  Come prepared looking your best with plenty of copies of your resume on good paper.  Show off your professional side and your special skills.  These are also great places for talking to people in the industry and learning more about it.


Colleges And Universities

Colleges and universities are often looking for consultants.  With college consulting jobs, you may be working with students to lend them some of your real-world experience.  These jobs are also great resume-builders.


Contact Companies Directly

Research the top companies in your field and send them your resume, telling them that you’re interested in consulting work.  Large companies are often looking for consultants to hire on a temporary basis rather than hiring new permanent staff.  It’s a great opportunity to get some experience as well as a great resume item.


Build Your Resume

As a consultant, you’re on your own.  For this reason, building your resume is very important.  Always look for opportunities to add something valuable to your resume, even if they don’t pay well.  They’ll pay you later when it leads to a great consulting job with a high rate attached.


Look Online

There are increasingly more opportunities for consultants online.  Consulting message boards and freelance sites are great places to look for jobs.  Look at forums or other places where professionals in your field hang out.  Technology and the spread of the internet have created a boom in consulting, partly because location no longer matters as much.

Because of the boom in technology nowadays, it’s much easier to be a consultant than it was in years gone by.  You can work from home and cut down overhead costs of renting an office and hiring staff.  The important thing is to be good at what you do.  You must have knowledge, experience and passion.  Be a good problem solver and be flexible.  Most of all, you should have a love of teaching others. These are some of the things it takes to find great consulting jobs.

These consulting career tips courtesy of HirePulse, the place where you can launch your career as a consultant, a service provider, a freelancer, or a contractor. If you’re feeling inspired then take a look at this article on Social Recruiting – The Place For Finding A Job Is Online.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Global Manufacturing Collapses To Worst Levels Since Mid-2009

News from last night out of China, coupled with early morning news from Europe confirmed what many speculated: namely that global manufacturing is now in a toxic spiral and absent another stimulus kick from various monetary and fiscal authorities there is no catalyst on the horizon to put the global economy into second gear. As Reuters observes, factories in Asia and Europe all but stagnated in July, according to business surveys that showed the weakest rates of growth since major industrial powers were struggling through the 2009 recession. While stock markets rose on signs of a last minute solution that would avoid a U.S. debt default, manufacturing purchasing managers indexes (PMIs) provided the latest evidence of a slowing global economy. The euro zone manufacturing PMI, which gauges the activities of thousands of businesses, fell to 50.4 in July from 52.0 in June — its worst showing since September 2009 and barely above the 50 mark dividing growth and contraction. Perhaps more worryingly, China’s official government PMI dropped to 50.7 from 50.9 in June, its weakest in more than two years, while the HSBC PMI fell below the 50 mark for the first time in a year — to 49.3 in July from 51.6. Following Friday’s horrendous GDP and Chicago PMI readings these are hardly a surprise.

Market Update

Friday, July 29, 2011

Forex Trading Safety Tips

Investors are attracted to Forex trading as it is a means where you are able to make quite large sums of money. It is also possible to lose money if you go about things the wrong way, but as every country's foreign exchange rate changes daily, sometimes by the minute, it is not the place for the faint hearted. That is why every Forex investor can benefit from these tips:

1 – Remain Wary at all Times

You can take part in Forex, or FX, trading by investing your money through a financial organisation or broker who often deal in other stocks and bonds as well as foreign exchange rates. As with all money dealings, however, you must remain wary at all times, especially if you are going to invest through an online organisation.

2 – Know What Your Money is Doing

What you should know is that when you hand your money over to a broker for this type of investment you are allowing your money to be invested in different countries. It is used to prop up certain investments taking place in a variety of hedge funds. You could have your money invested in one particular market on one day and a completely different market the next day. Therefore, to make sure you can keep track of your money and protect the safety of your investment, remember:
  • Investment management companies trading in the Forex market are the most trustworthy. Especially those who have been trading continuously since the 1970s.
  • Never start out with a more recently established company. Let someone else help build their bone fides.
  • Be extremely careful with companies appearing online no matter what they promise. Always check out their past history, where they are based and how long they have been in business.
  • Read your agreement thoroughly and if doubtful on any issue don't let it pass without questioning it and having it explained to your complete satisfaction.

3 – Watch Out For Online Scams

When checking out the different companies involved in Forex trading you will find some need a minimum amount of $250 or $500 to open an account with them, whereas others require $1,000 or even $10,000. Scam operators online will only require amounts of $1 or $5 to open an account, be very careful with such offers because they really are too good to be true.
Before you invest with any broker or financial establishment dealing in Forex trading, make sure you check them out thoroughly before entering into any contract, remain cautious and keep your eyes open. That way you will minimise any risk.
Teresa writes about forex trading online and writes for Forex Trading Finder where you can compare foreign exchange brokers to get the best forex reviews.

Market Update

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Take Charge Of Your Life

Imagine your life as a dog walker with multiple heavy dogs tugging on the leashes out in front of it. Would you say the dogs are running carefree down the street dragging your life behind dangerously? Or would you say that your life is in control and the dogs are walking politely, going only where they are directed by you?

It may take a moment to absorb that situation and decide how in control your life is at the moment. If you have to admit that the dogs are walking the master rather than the master walking them, you are in the perfect position to step back, refocus on your priorities, and start anew.

Stepping Back
This is the hardest thing to do when you feel there is chaos all around you. Yet, it is one of the most important things to do if you want to bring some control and order back into your world. You can choose to let those dogs drag you down the street so you don't have any control over what happens, or you can let go of the leashes and take a moment to refocus your life.

Stepping back simply means to stop doing what you are currently doing. It obviously isn't working very well for you, right? The first step is always to admit that something is not working and stop just long enough to figure out what the dysfunctional piece of your life is.

You don't have to step back for long. Take a full day or half a day and just focus on figuring out your priorities and making some small adjustments.

Refocusing Your Priorities
Take a piece of paper and write down the things you spend the most time doing and thinking about right now. Those are the things you have been making a priority in your life.

Now make another list of the things you know should be the priority of your life. If you are like most people, this list will be much shorter than the first list because the things you really need to be focusing on aren't as numerous as the things you choose to focus on. It's called over-extending yourself and can be a big part of why you feel things are so chaotic.

What small changes could you make in your life to shift the focus to those things on the second list? You don't need major, dramatic changes...or perhaps you do! If you decide to do something major to refocus on those priorities, make sure you are dedicated and ready to make a go of it long term.

Starting Anew
This is the final step to getting your life back under control. This is where you call the dogs back, pick up the leashes, and show them that you are now the one in control. This is where the plan comes off the paper and enters your daily life.

You really can do this in a single afternoon. If you do the work to honestly assess where your priorities need to be and what is not working for your life, you can decide to turn it around with small changes or perhaps one big change. You just have to make a commitment to putting the plan into action.

Without action, it does no good to identify the problems!
Please visit The Personal Development Company for more information about How To Take Charge Of Your Life and other Self-help products by Jim Rohn

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Franchise Finance Guide

There are several ways in which to start your own business. If you have a unique talent or invention that is marketed well and is something that people have a need for, you could create a business that is quite lucrative. However, business ownership can be yours without having to dream up a concept. Own a franchise. Prior to starting the process, your due diligence is required by gaining as much information as possible about the type of franchise you want. Also, be sure that you have access to the proper financial resources that will get you started and provide you with the ability to maintain your franchise business.

According to the International Franchising Association, the costs for starting a franchise will depend on the kind of business and several other factors. These costs could range from less than $20,000 to more than $1 million. Once you understand the costs involved and your financing options, you can better determine if owning a franchise is a suitable choice for you.

Self-financing is usually the first consideration for funding the purchase of a franchise, if feasible. This method is utilized by accessing all of your liquid and semi-liquid assets. This would include your available cash, stock investment returns, your home equity and other resources you have that produce cash. When choosing this option please know that your available capital will be tied up in your franchise business. Only you can determine if this is the proper choice by weighing the "hard cost" of other types of financing.

If your funds do not add up to the required amount needed for your franchise purchase, a slower, but very effective method of self-financing is accomplished by opening a business ownership account. Start by depositing no less than $500 in this account per month for a period of 6 months to a year. By using direct deposit you can be assured that your deposits are placed in your business account every month. As you build your account, bankers and franchisors will see you as a serious contender and will extend other financing options to you. Even if you have to save for a few additional months, you are now well on your way to franchise ownership.

Another option to be considered is a bank loan. This method is rather convenient and can be attained easily if you are in possession of the required collateral in the form of home equity to cover your loan amount. It is also referred to as 'setting up a line of credit." By requiring collateral on your loan, the bank is more assured that you will live up to your end of the bargain to avoid seizure of your property, thereby protecting both you and the bank.

A debt financing loan is obtained from financial institutions, such as savings and loans, banks or commercial finance companies. A great asset to small business owners is the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) that provides crucial information on writing a loan proposal and other programs to assist small business start-ups. Visit their website at for recent information.

Your retirement savings account is a viable asset for investing in your franchise purchase. There are financial professionals across Canada and the U.S.; qualified to structure your retirement plan as a corporation. This is done by using your retirement account as the investment vehicle in your franchise. It will ultimately provide your franchise purchasing capital by taking ownership in your franchise and purchasing stock like a functioning corporation. Along with the profitability of your franchise, your retirement account will also experience tax deferred gains.
Franchising is definitely a successful business model, but you've got to know what you're getting inti.  You should probably start by hiring an accountant, and ensuring your finances are in order.  Then the next step is to put your accountant to work for you investigating the finances of prospective frtanchises.  Mistakes are routinely made, but if you work with qualified people your chance of success certainly improves.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

5 Most Valuable Safety Features in New Cars

Cars have come a long way from the first prototypes of the late 19th and early 20th century. Thanks to advancements in modern technology, road travel has become safer and more convenient than ever. Here are some of the most important features of modern cars that help to keep drivers and passengers safe.

1. Tire-Pressure Monitoring

Many drivers are now realizing the importance of maintaining tires and keeping them in the best shape. While it is common sense to replace tires when the tread is low, a lot of people don’t take the time to regularly check the tire pressure and keep them to the recommended number. Many new car models now have monitoring built into the car, with a censor by the wheel that alerts drivers when to fill their tires with air again. This takes out the guessing of when to fill them up and ensures that it is safe to drive at all times.

2. Rearview Camera

While at first, a rearview camera may sound like an added luxury, there are actually a number of occasions where this feature can be very useful. Not only do these cameras protect the car from backing into objects or other cars, it can also help a driver avoid children or animals. The technology places a small camera in the back of the car and a screen at the dash that allows drivers to see everything going on behind them.

3. Blind-Spot Detection

More cars are now incorporating new technology that allows drivers to know what is going on each side of them. Many accidents occur due to the driver being unaware of somebody to the side of the car and as a result, they get into an accident. Having this blind-spot/side assist detection feature added to a car will help alert the driver of objects of cars in their blind spots. This will prevent accidents from happening by using an alarm, vibrating the seat, or flashing a small light in the mirror.

4. Adaptive Cruise Control

Cars have had cruise control as a standard feature for years, but now technology has advanced where an adjustable one is available. This means that the driver can set the speed and still be able to stop and keep distances from cars in front of them. Before, a driver may be at risk when a car suddenly brakes in front of them. Now, an individual that has set cruise control will be safe since the car will sense the upcoming car and slow down or even brake hard to avoid a collision.

5. Dual-Stage Airbags

Until recently, cars have incorporated airbags that are considered ‘one size fits all’. While this may seem okay at first, the problem is that not every passenger is the same weight and height. Technology can now sense the size of the occupant and the seatbelt usage, allowing the appropriate airbag to pop out in an accident.
Britney Baker usually looks at car insurance companies over at CarinsuranceCompanies.Org.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Top 3 Mixed Portfolio Investment Strategies

If there is one thing to be learned by the average citizen from the toils and troubles of the recent economic crisis, it is not to put all your eggs in one basket. Much of the current economic woes come from overstuffing investment money into one hot source or project. The true key to building a sizable investment portfolio, however, is diversity. Concentration of your assets can bring a more rapid and higher return on investment, although the risk of a poor and less stable investment is much higher. Conversely, a diversified portfolio allows a well-balanced and secure investment strategy, which grows slowly overtime, without too much risk in any single investment. So, if it's time to go to the professionals for some real advice and help, companies such as Cavalry Portfolio Services can raise your return and keep your investments safe.
1. Mutual Funds
Mutual funds are a terrific way to begin to make safer, mixed portfolio investments. Representative of a pre-grouped selection of single stock options and securities, the diversification provided by mutual funds helps create a secure net for your investments. Professional portfolio management services and government oversight also aid in the slow, safe increase in your assets. Diversity within mutual funds allows for even more control over rebuilding a good investment strategy. One can choose money market funds, bonds or stock and equity funds.
2. IRAs
An Individual Retirement Account, or IRA, is the next pillar to wealth management success. Roth IRAs, for example, are special non-taxed retirement plans, which contain an account of investments in securities, common stocks and often mutual funds. Over time, Roth IRAs will represent a sizable portion of your assets and will be a safe source for your retirement years. Instead of playing risky business, this will be a strong and steady option in your wealth portfolio management.
3. Real Estate Investments
Some people say real estate investing is passé or risky, however be sure that well-informed investing and diversity within one's own real estate portfolio will bring profits. Now, more than ever, real estate funds stimulate the market and reel in a steady return. This form of third party real estate ownership, through a fund and its management, lets you control two variables that are important to real estate investment success.
The first is control over your investment sum. All too often real estate deals fall through or never take action because of lack of funding. Project's potential and the economy wither away with it. Funds accept investments upwards of a certain minimum, which allows you to invest to the dime. And secondly, each fund will represent a group of property investments—all of which you have a hand in. So, again, instead of gambling it all on one property, you are able to have the security of several properties managed by one central fund.

Jessica writes about a wide variety of topics.  She especially enjoys writing about finances. You can learn more about Cavalry Portfolio Services at